Monday, November 3, 2008

Oh the college life.
Football. Family. Friends.

It was one hell of a weekend here in the typical slow-paced, Lubbock, TX. As it’s been announced I don’t know how many times, Texas Tech Red Raiders beat the University of Texas Longhorns. It was one hell of a game too. Halloween ended up being just a tiny bit of the weekend.

I was supposed to go to some college parties with my cousin Lindsey, but wasn’t really in the mood, plus my dad was coming into town.
Lindsey still dressed up:
This was the funniest costume I've ever seen.

This is what she normally looks like:

Anyway, I was going to go as Medusa, and got half way ready and then stopped….

I stopped because my dad got into town with his friend Scott.
I decided to hang out with him instead. Here we are at Fox & Hound.
Jes & Jeff came up there too!

A very normal bathroom shot of Jes & me.

Sadly, Scott was here to cheer for UT. Boo.
Please ignore his burnt orange shirt.

This pic made me laugh.
Jes is throwing her ‘Guns Up’ at Scott’s ‘Longhorn’.

Anyway, next day was the big game!
The Will Rodgers statue was even dressed up for the event.

I had so much fun with my dad.
It was an absolute blast!
My dad & I tailgating.

Kaylee, me, & Lindsey tailgating!
Unfortunately we were sitting in a burnt orange hummer and sitting on a Longhorn rug. Ew!!!!!

Ahhh the game at Jones Stadium!!

We win!

And the crowd goes wild!

It was the best weekend ever!! We all had fun and we’re all still recovering! I had good family, good friends, good football. Can it get any better?

Oh – if you DVR’ed Game Day, watch it again. My dad’s on there towards the end. Fast forward until there is about 24-25 minutes left of the show, and there he is, in a good 3-4 second clip, screaming his head off. It was absolutely hilarious! We gotta get it up on YouTube somehow!

That’s really all that’s gone here in Raiderville. This upcoming weekend’s game is against OSU – Cowboys. Yikes! I hope our Raiders play with their heart again. My friend Brian from back home is coming into town with his wife Melissa & some of their friends. I’m going to the game with them and am SUPER excited! I love this college life.

Shout out to my sister though! She’s in the band at Vista Ridge & they made it to state again!!!! They compete on Tuesday. Way to go VRHS Band!!!!!!!!!!!



Brianne said...

looks like F-U-N!
too bad you didn't finish your halloween looked like you had a great start, maybe next year! glad you're enjoying college life. football WAS a lot more fun for me then too, than it is now! enjoy it while you can! love!

Lisa Pisa said...

Yeah, yeah...the game was a FLUKE!!!! Ya'll are gonna be crying after Saturday's game...hahahaaahaha! Sore losers here in Austin!

Your costume looked cute!

sarahsmile3 said...

You should dress up like Medussa this Tuesday for absolutely no reason what so ever. I think you had something going sad to have aborted the mission. I guess your dad is a good reason to not dress up.