Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't be a filibuster!


So, for the first time in 4.5 years my workload at AHL is fairly light! So, I’m done for the day and had some random things to just blurt out. Don’t worry though I’m sure my plate will be full in no time. It’s actually perfect timing because I have been studying hardcore for my Govt exam that’s on Monday of next week. I actually am starting to feel a bit confident about it because it’s not actual HISTORY and remembering dates. We’re going over Congress, Presidency, and The Courts. Yay!

As some of you know ‘Creeper’ was my favorite word a couple of weeks ago. All the cool college kids use it. It’s not quite a stalker, but someone who is just….creepy. So I think that now filibuster is my new word. Going over what ‘filibuster’ means, you can totally use it as another kind of noun and a verb!

Actual definition - A delaying tactic, used in the Senate that involves speech-making to prevent action on a piece of legislation

New Verb: We’ll use the name Chuck. Chuck is a clingy guy you’ve only gone on a few dates with. Chuck wants a 5 year relationship within 5 days. Chuck is pathetic. You had to put an end to it. So... You have to give a long speech to prevent action between you two……

You have to filibuster his ass.

New Noun: Girls Night Out! Single Gal is talking to Hot Boy. Single Gal's friend Chatty Cathy won't stop talking or leave Single Gal & Hot Boy alone. She is a delaying tactic involving speech-making to prevent action on a piece of legislation... or in this case... well you know what kind of piece I’m talking about.

Chatty Cathy can now be known as a filibuster.

Who’s passin this exam? Yup, right here.

Anyway, other than studying, not a whole lot is going on in my world. I’m almost done with my semester! Can you believe it?? My last exam is on the 9th or 10th. Sweet right?! It’ll go by so fast! I have things every weekend to do from now till Christmas. I’m going home this weekend for my friend Brianne’s shower de la bebe! I’m so excited to see everyone especially her lovely lady bump! I think that’s about it. I’m about to go eat with the grandparents. Can I just tell you eating at 5:30 p.m. is getting old. Pun intended.

1 comment:

sarahsmile3 said...

Woman, I think you should update this baby. I miss you!